Our Directors are appointed by ordinary resolutions of our Shareholders or by the Board of Directors to fill vacancies on the Board or to add to the existing Board. At each annual general meeting one-third (or, if the number is not a multiple of three, the number nearest to but not greater than one-third) of the Directors in office at the relevant time shall retire by rotation but are eligible for re-election and re-appointment.

Our Board of Directors is responsible and has general powers for the management and conduct of our business.

Under Cayman Islands law, each of our Directors owes fiduciary duties to the Company to act in good faith in what he considers is the best interests of the Company as a whole and his power must be exercised for a proper purpose.

The following table sets forth certain information concerning our Directors and executive officers.

Executive Directors
Executive Director Mr. Pan Shiyi

is an executive Director of the Company. Mr. Pan and his wife Mrs. Pan Zhang Xin Marita co-founded SOHO China in 1995, and together they have led the Company to become one of the most prolific prime office developers in China with over 5 million sq.m. of projects in Beijing and Shanghai.Renowned for their iconic architecture and design, SOHO China’s collaborations with world renowned architects have transformed city skylines.
Mr. Pan is a well-regarded media and online influencer with over 18 million followers on Sina Weibo. In addition to his expertise in property development and urbanization, he is known for his commitment in environmental protection and public welfare.
In 2005, Mr. Pan and his wife Mrs. Pan Zhang Xin Marita established the SOHO China Foundation to support education focused initiatives in China.In 2014, the Foundation launched the SOHO China Scholarships to provide financial aid to Chinese undergraduate students at leading international universities. Mr. Pan has also let the SOHO China Foundation to undertake a series of public welfare projects in Northwest China including the Yang Zheng Kindergarten and Yang Zheng Library.
In 2015, Mr. Pan and Ms. Zhang joined the Breakthrough Energy Coalition led by Mr. Bill Gates to fund development of clean energy technology. Mr. Pan has served as a visiting fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, and is as a member of the Special Olympics Senior Advisory Committee for the East Asia region.

Executive Director Mrs. Pan Zhang Xin Marita

is an executive Director of the Company. As a Co-Founder and former CEO of SOHO China, Ms. Zhang is one of China’s most celebrated female entrepreneurs. Renowned for her iconic collaborations with international architects that have transformed Chinese skylines, Ms. Zhang has been acclaimed as the “woman who built Beijing”.
Born in Beijing in 1965, Ms. Zhang moved to Hong Kong at age 14, where she labored as a factory girl for five years. At 19, Ms. Zhang ventured to the UK where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Sussex and a Master’s degree in Development Economics from Cambridge University. Education served as a springboard to launch a career in investment banking with Goldman Sachs. In 1995 she returned to Beijing to Co-Found SOHO China, the Company has since become one of country’s most prolific developers of office property with over 5 million sq.m. of projects in Beijing and Shanghai. In 2002, Ms. Zhang was awarded a special prize at the 8th la Biennale di Venezia for Commune by the Great Wall, a private collection of architecture featuring the works of 12 Asian architects.In 2005, Ms. Zhang and her husband Pan Shiyi established the SOHO China Foundation to support education focused initiatives in China. In 2014, the Foundation launched the SOHO China Scholarships to provide financial aid to Chinese undergraduate students at leading international universities.
Ms. Zhang serves as Trustee of MoMA and is a Member of the Harvard Global Advisory Council. She holds an honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Sussex and has served as visiting fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Chairman of the Board Ms. Xu Jin

is the Chairman of the Board and Co-CEO of the Company.  Ms. Xu Jin is responsible for the overall management of the Company’s operation. Ms. Xu joined the Company in February 2001 and since then has acted as director of human resources department, director of procurement department and Vice President in charge of assets and property management of the Company.  Ms. Xu received a Bachelor of Engineering Management degree from Beijing Wuzi University in 1994. She has over twenty years of experience in the real-estate industry in China.

Executive Director Mr. Qian Ting

is an executive Director and Co-CEO of the Company.Mr.Qian Ting is responsible for property leasing of the Company. Mr. Qian joined the Company in October 2002 and has acted as the director of our leasing department. Mr. Qian received his Bachelor’s Degree in Trade and Economy from Renmin University of China in 2000. Mr. Qian has 18 years’ experience in property leasing in China.

Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. Huang Jingsheng

is an independent non-executive Director.He came to Harvard from a distinguished venture capital and private equity career. Most recently, Mr. Huang was Partner of TPG Growth (“TPG”) and RMB Funds (“RMB”), based in Shanghai, China. Before joining TPG, he was Managing Director at Bain Capital LLC, where he set up and ran its Shanghai operations. His other investment positions included Managing Director of China region at SOFTBANK Asia Infrastructure Fund (“SAIF”), Partner at SUNeVision Ventures and Senior Manager of Strategic Investment at Intel Capital. Before his investment career, Mr. Huang worked as Director of Research Operations at GartnerGroup, Co-founder/Vice President of Marketing at Mtone Wireless and English Lecturer at Communication University of China. Before joining Harvard, Mr. Huang served as member of the Board of Governors at China Venture Capital Association (“CVCA”) and Deputy Chairman of Shanghai Private Equity Association (“SHPEA”). Mr. Huang received an M.B.A from Harvard Business School, an M.A. from Stanford University and a B.A. from Beijing Foreign Studies University.

Mr. Xiong Minghua

is an independent non-executive Director. Mr. Xiong is the founder and chairman of seven Seas Partners, a venture capital firm focusing on investing cross border technology companies in the United States and China. Mr. Xiong was the Former Chief Technology Officer for Tencent Holdings Limited (a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Stock Code: 700) from 2005 to 2013, where he was responsible for product strategy planning of the overall platform, new product innovation, research and development of core technologies, and management for engineering excellence. Previously he worked at Microsoft Corporation for 9 years as program management in Internet Explorer, Windows and MSN product groups, and as founding director of MSN China Development Center. Prior to that, Mr. Xiong worked as staff programmer of Internet Division of IBM Corporation in New York. Mr. Xiong received his Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Information System Engineering from National University of Defense Technology in 1987 and a Master of Science Degree in Information Retrieval from Chinese Defense Science and Technology Information Center in Beijing in 1990.

Mr.Zhang Mingeng

is an independent non-executive Director.Mr. Zhang was accredited the degree of Doctor in Jurisprudence. As one of the leading personnel in real estate industry in China, Mr. Zhang was the chairman of China Real Estate Investment Fund Alliance and the vice-chairman of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce. Over the years, Mr. Zhang has accumulated insights in macro-economy and the trend and investment in real estate industry, and has abundant practical experiences in the operation of real estate projects.

Senior Management
Chief Financial Officer Mr. Zhu Enlei

is our Chief Financial Officer and responsible for the management of finance and investor relationship related matters.  Prior to joining the Company in June 2019, Mr. Zhu worked at KPMG and a HKEx listed company, and has over 10 years of experience in finance,  audit and corporate compliance areas.  Mr. Zhu Enlei is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and a member of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountant.  Mr. Zhu obtained a bachelor degree in business administration and a master degree in management from Capital University of Economics and Business in 2003 and 2006 respectively.


is our Vice President. She is in charge of the Company’s information management, design, and procurement. Ms. Huang joined the Company in September 2006, and acted as MEP Director, Chief Engineer, Director of Platform Management Center and Vice President. Ms. Huang received her Master’s Degree in Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering from Tianjin University in 1995, and her Doctor’s Degree in Building Studies from Concordia University in Canada in 2003. She possesses more than 20 years of experience in designing and information management.

VICE PRESIDENT Mr. Yan Guangping

is our Vice President and is responsible for the Company’s assets and property management operation. Mr. Yan has extensive experience in assets and property management. Since joined the Company in 2015, Mr. Yan has successfully served as general manager of several core projects of the Company, general manager of our Shanghai office and Vice President.


is our Vice President. She is in charge of the Company’s human resources, internal audit as well as property and service quality control. Ms. Lu joined the Company in 2008, and acted as Human Resources Director, Member of the Management Committee, and Vice President. Ms. Lu received her Bachelor’s Degree in English for Science and Technology from Tianjin University in 1994, and was accredited a Master’s Degree in Software Engineering from Beihang University in 2019. Ms. Lu has over 20 years of experience in human resources management and related areas.

Company Secretary
Company Secretary Ms. Ng Sau Mei

has been appointed as the Company Secretary, Authorised Representative and Process Agent with effect from 16 June 2022. Ms. Ng is a director and head of the Listing Services Department of TMF Hong Kong Limited (a corporate secretarial service provider). She has over 20 years of professional experience in the company secretarial industry, and is a fellow member of The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute and The Chartered Governance Institute in the United Kingdom.

Contact Us
SOHO China Ltd.
Chaowai SOHO, Building A, Floor 11
6B Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District
Beijing 100020, China
Tel: 400-815-9888
Fax: (86 10) 6567-1064
Email: sohohotline@sohochina.com